Get a specific link clickdetails. You can limit the search to specific time (by default, the search will be for campaigns that were updated in the last 3 months. Please note: if the campaign you are searching for wasn't sent in the given dates - you'll get an error)
Request Information
URI Parameters
Additional information
Campaign id. Can be found using the endpoint "Get account's email campaigns..." or in the UI(go to Emails->Emails Lists->click on the campaign's preview -> you'll find the id int the URL)
Link id. Can be found in the UI ("Email" -> "Email Reports" -> "clickers" -> go to clickers on a specific link -> you wiil see "linkid=" in the url)
The start date the campaign was last updated
The end date the campaign was last updated
Get a specific page (number of pages is limited)
Range: inclusive between 1 and 2147483647
Limit the number of items you get in the results. (Removing the "limit" will, by default, display only 20 records)
Range: inclusive between 1 and 100
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
Additional information
Number of items
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "urls_clicked": [ { "contact_id": 1, "first_name": "sample string 1", "last_name": "sample string 2", "email": "sample string 3", "sms": "sample string 4", "click_date": "2016-12-24T14:12:12" }, { "contact_id": 1, "first_name": "sample string 1", "last_name": "sample string 2", "email": "sample string 3", "sms": "sample string 4", "click_date": "2016-12-24T14:12:12" } ], "total_items": 1 }
application/xml, text/xml
<ApiReportCampaignClickDetailsList xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <total_items>1</total_items> <urls_clicked> <ApiReportCampaignClickDetails> <click_date>2016-12-24T14:12:12</click_date> <contact_id>1</contact_id> <email>sample string 3</email> <first_name>sample string 1</first_name> <last_name>sample string 2</last_name> <sms>sample string 4</sms> </ApiReportCampaignClickDetails> <ApiReportCampaignClickDetails> <click_date>2016-12-24T14:12:12</click_date> <contact_id>1</contact_id> <email>sample string 3</email> <first_name>sample string 1</first_name> <last_name>sample string 2</last_name> <sms>sample string 4</sms> </ApiReportCampaignClickDetails> </urls_clicked> </ApiReportCampaignClickDetailsList>