Account settings
Get the account contact fields filtered by fields' type
Get inactive and active contacts' daily growth filtered by dates (from/to date, the defualt is three months back)
Automation Reports
Get reports of all your automation campaigns, divided into users who are currently logged in an automation journey and to users who completed a journey
Returns all the contacts that started a specific automation and shows all their steps in the automation.
Returns all the contacts that did not finish a specific automation
Get email campaigns statistics for a specific automation.
Get SMS campaigns statistics for a specific automation.
Get Whatsapp campaigns statistics for a specific automation.
Get Push Notification campaigns statistics for a specific automation.
Returns email campaigns' summary reports in a specific automation
Returns SMS campaigns' summary reports in a specific automation
Returns the contacts that started a specific automation.
Returns the contacts that finished a specific automation
All the automation options are available to you here; create, edit, design, create triggers and send automated campaigns
Delete the given automation. You can delete a few in a bulk if the IDs are seperated with a comma (',')
Get trigger's information of a specific "contact celebrates a date" automation. Providing an automation id that has a different trigger will result in an error.
Get the JSON that represents the design of the automation flow in the UI(excluding automation's steps)
Get the JSON that represents the design of the automation flow in the UI including the data of the given automation
Get a certain automation step information in the given automation
Get the information of a specific email step in the given automation
Update an email campaign step in a given automation
Get the information of a specific SMS step in the given automation
Get the information of a specific Whatsapp step in the given automation
Get the information of a specific push notification step in the given automation
Get the information of a specific 'contact update' step in the given automation
Get the information of a specific Social step in the given automation
Get the information of a specific A/B split step in the given automation
Get the information of a specific 'notify someone' step in the given automation
Get all the types of actions that can be updated for a contact in an automation
Automation triggers
Get all the options for start triggers
Create, edit, design, delete, schedule and send email campaigns
Get account's email campaigns. You can get campaigns filtered by various parameters including date and limited to a number of campaigns (you will get camapigns that were last updated in the last 3 months by default)
Create and return a new campaign for specific groups. The campaign can be set as an A/B split, E-commerc or a regular campaign. Don't worry, we symplified it for you on our postman collection
Update a given campaign. Please note: only campaigns that are in a draft mode can be updated.
Update campaign details. Please note: only campaigns that are in draft mode can be updated
Update campaign template. Please note: only campaigns that are in draft mode can be updated
Update campaign design. Please note: only campaigns that are in draft mode can be updated
Update campaign sending settings (groups and sending restrictions). Please note: only campaigns that are in draft mode can be updated
Update campaign schedule. Please note: only campaigns that are in draft mode can be updated
Create and return a new campaign for specific contacts. The campaign can be set as an A/B split, E-commerc or a regular campaign. Don't worry, we symplified it for you on our postman collection
Campaign Reports
View your campaign reports, get a comparison report, get open rates, CTO rates, unsubcscribe rates and activity report
Get a full report of your campaigns that include: send date, opens, clicks, CTO, bounces, unsubscribers, complaints, unopened and sent emails. You can get campaigns filtered by date and limited to a number of campaigns (you will get the reports of camapigns that were last updated in the last 3 months by default)
Get an overview report for a specific campaign. You can limit the search to specific time (by default, the search will be for campaigns that were updated in the last 3 months. Please note: if the campaign you are searching for wasn't sent in the given dates - you'll get an error)
Get a click report for a specific campaign. You can limit the search to specific time (by default, the search will be for campaigns that were updated in the last 3 months. Please note: if the campaign you are searching for wasn't sent in the given dates - you'll get an error)
Get a specific link clickdetails. You can limit the search to specific time (by default, the search will be for campaigns that were updated in the last 3 months. Please note: if the campaign you are searching for wasn't sent in the given dates - you'll get an error)
Get all the contacts that unsubscribed in a specific email. You can limit the search to specific time (by default, the search will be for campaigns that were updated in the last 3 months. Please note: if the campaign you are searching for wasn't sent in the given dates - you'll get an empty list)
Get all contacts' activity on a specific campaign. You can limit the search to specific time (by default, the search will be for campaigns that were updated in the last 3 months. Please note: if the campaign you are searching for wasn't sent in the given dates - you'll get an error)
Get campaign openers. You can choose to get all the openers from a specific group. You can limit the search to specific time (by default, the search will be for campaigns that were updated in the last 3 months. Please note: if the campaign you are searching for wasn't sent in the given dates - you'll get an empty list)
Get campaign sent emails. You can choose to get all the openers from a specific group. You can limit the search to specific time (by default, the search will be for campaigns that were updated in the last 3 months. Please note: if the campaign you are searching for wasn't sent in the given dates - you'll get an empty list)
Get contacts that didn't open a specific campaign. You can choose to get all the contacts that didn't open from a specific group. You can limit the search to specific time (by default, the search will be for campaigns that were updated in the last 3 months. Please note: if the campaign you are searching for wasn't sent in the given dates - you'll get an empty list)
Get contacts that reported a specific campaign as "spam". You can choose to get all the complaints from a specific group. You can limit the search to specific time (by default, the search will be for campaigns that were updated in the last 3 months. Please note: if the campaign you are searching for wasn't sent in the given dates - you'll get an empty list)
Get campaign's bounces and quantity of bounces per domain. You can limit the search to specific time (by default, the search will be for campaigns that were updated in the last 3 months. Please note: if the campaign you are searching for wasn't sent in the given dates - you'll get an empty list)
Get a specific campaign's bounces by bounce type.
Get a specific campaign's overview reports per domain.
Get a specific campaign browser clients statistics
Campaign Templates
Access to templates that are saved in your account under 'My Templates'. You can get all the templates, get specific template by id or create a new template and save it to 'My Templates'. You also have functions to get thet HTML of the saved template seperately from the template itself.
Delete the given template category. please note: if you delete a category - all the templates in this category will be deleted as well
Manage your contacts and subscriptions in this section, get all the contacts' details, create and remove contacts.
Get account's contacts list. You can get the list filtered by customer status (active, unsubscribed, bounced. etc.,) by the state change date (from/to date, the defualt is three months back)
Create and return a new contact. Please note: if the contact does not exist in the account they will be added but won't be linked to any group - making it impossible to send him email/sms.
Get contacts in merge conflict You can get the list filtered by conflict status (active, inactive, deleted, etc.) by the conflict's occurrence date (from/to date, the defualt is three months back) and limited to a number of conflicts
Get contacts' status and the source of their status (if known). You can filter the endpoint by contacts' creation date (from/to date, the defualt is three months back)
Get all unsubscribers and the source of their status (if known). You can choose to get all unsubscription between specific dates (from/to date, the defualt is three months back)
Get all subscribers and the source of their status (if known). You can choose to get all subscriptions between specific dates (from/to date, the defualt is three months back)
Get statistics of contacts' statuses from specific dates. You can choose to get statistics between specific dates (from/to date, the defualt is three months back)
Gets all contacts that are unsubscribed from getting sms messages
Gets contact's statistics for specific campaign
Gets customer statistics for specific operation message
Gets contact's statistics for specific sms operational message.
Web hooks
Define the parameters and the URLs of the following webhooks events: manually updating the contact info in the ActiveTrail app and updating the contact info programmatically via forms/import etc.
Get account's Webhooks information
Get contact by the external id and name. if one doesnt match the other we'll get an empty response.
Get the contact list. You can get the list filtered by customer email and/or sms
Get the list of unmapped contacts (those that have no external id or external name). You can get the list filtered by customer status (active, unsubscribed, bounced. etc.,) by the registration date (from/to date, the default is three months back) and limited to a number of contacts (the default is 100 contacts each time)
Import contacts. Limited to 1000 contacts. If the external ID you try to import exists - you'll get an error
Unmap contact's external id and name based on the provided details. If one doesnt match the other or doesn't exist you'll get an error
Delete the given contact by providing external id and external name. If one doesnt match the other or doesn't exist we'll get an error
Add contact to group with the given external id and external name. Limited to 1000 contacts per call.
Add contact to mailing list with the given external id and external name. Limited to 1000 contacts per call.
Delete contacts from group with the given external id and external name
Delete contacts from mailing list with the given external id and external name
Get the list of contacts activities. You can get the list filtered by the status changed date (from/to date, the default is three months back) and limited to a number of contacts (the default is 100 contacts each time)
Manage groups on your account. View/ Create/ Update / delete groups, add or remove contacts
Get all group members. You can get the list filtered by customer status (active, unsubscribed, bounced. etc.,) by the state change date (from/to date, the defualt is three months back)
Add contact to a specific group. You can set the contact's status. please note: you cannot import a contact in status subscribe if he is inactive on ActiveTrail
Mailing List
Manage mailing list on your account. View/ Create/ Update / delete mailing list, add or remove contacts
Get all mailing list's members. You can get the list filtered by customer status (active, unsubscribed, bounced. etc.,) by the state change date (from/to date, the defualt is three months back)
Operational Message
Send an email operational message to individual emails (limited to 500 messages). The emails will be created as contacts in your account.
Send an email operational message to individual contacts (limited to 500 messages). The contacts will be created in your account.
Push Campaign
Get your Push notifications campaign
Get Push campaigns. You can get Push campaigns filtered (you will get the last 20 campaigns in the last 6 months by default)
Push Campaign Report
Push Notifications campaigns reports
Get Push campaigns reports . You can get Push campaigns reports filtered (you will get the last 20 campaigns in the last 3 months by default)
Getting the Summary report info of Push campaigns by dates. (defauly is the last 3 months)
Getting the sent report (contacts the campaign was sent to) of a specific Push campaign. The campaign must be sent in the time range you set using "from date" and "to date". (defauly is the last 3 months)
Getting the delivered report (contacts the campaign was delivered to) of a specific Push campaign. The campaign must be sent in the time range you set using "from date" and "to date". (defauly is the last 3 months)
Getting the failed report (contacts the campaign was sent to but got a delivery failure) of a specific Push campaign. The campaign must be sent in the time range you set using "from date" and "to date". (defauly is the last 3 months)
Getting the opens report (contacts that opened a campaign) of a specific Push campaign. The campaign must be sent in the time range you set using "from date" and "to date". (defauly is the last 3 months)
Automations' Segmentations
All automation segmentation options are available to you here such as: create and edit
Get a full mapping of operations and field types associated to the type of rule.
View the details of your sign up forms
Smart Code Site
SMS Campaign
Create, edit, design, delete, schedule and send sms campaigns
Get account's sms campaigns (including operational sms). You can get campaigns filtered by various parameters including dates and limited to a number of campaigns (you will get camapigns that were last updated in the last 3 months by default)
Update SMS campaign (whether it was sent or not). You can also sent the updated campaign in the process
Calculating the estimated number of messages for a given campaign. Can be used only for campaigns that were not sent yet
Update operational SMS messages. Only those who were not sent can be updated
SMS Campaign Report
sms campaigns reports
Get SMS campaigns reports . You can get campaigns filtered by various parameters including dates and limited to a number of campaigns (you will get camapigns that were last updated in the last 3 months by default)
Get SMS campaigns reports . You can get campaigns filtered by various parameters including dates and limited to a number of campaigns (you will get camapigns that were last updated in the last 3 months by default)
Get all the contacts that the sms was sent to. If you didn't send the sms to a group but chose the "add numbers manually" function - you'll get the amount of contacts the sms was sent to but not the numbers. You can also filter by dates. (the search for the campaign will be made, by default, in the last 3 months. If the campaign wasnt sent in the given range - you will get no information)
Get all the contacts that the sms was delivered to. If you didn't send the sms to a group but chose the "add numbers manually" function - you'll get the amount of contacts the sms was sent to but not the numbers. You can also filter by dates. (the search for the campaign will be made, by default, in the last 3 months. If the campaign wasnt sent in the given range - you will get no information)
Get all the contacts that clicked on a link sms (can be filtered by specific link). If you didn't send the sms to a group but chose the "add numbers manually" function - you'll get the amount of clickers but not the mobile numbers. You can also filter by dates. (the search for the campaign will be made, by default, in the last 3 months. If the campaign wasnt sent in the given range - you will get no information)
Get clickers by link id. If you didn't send the sms to a group but chose the "add numbers manually" function - you'll get the amount of clickers but not the mobile numbers. You can also filter by dates. (the search for the campaign will be made, by default, in the last 3 months. If the campaign wasnt sent in the given range - you will get an error)
Get SMS clicks (on links) reports.
Get all the contacts that the sms wasn't sent to (delivery failure). If you didn't send the sms to a group but chose the "add numbers manually" function - you'll get the amount of clickers but not the mobile numbers. You can also filter by dates. (the search for the campaign will be made, by default, in the last 3 months. If the campaign wasnt sent in the given range - you will get no information)
Get all the contacts that unsubscribed from a specific campaign sms. If you didn't send the sms to a group but chose the "add numbers manually" function - you'll get the amount of clickers but not the mobile numbers. You can also filter by dates. (the search for the campaign will be made, by default, in the last 3 months. If the campaign wasnt sent in the given range - you will get no information)
User Social
Get all the options for start triggers
Two Way Sms
Create, edit, design, delete, schedule and send sms campaigns
Get all the replies for virtual numbers