Get an overview report for a specific campaign. You can limit the search to specific time (by default, the search will be for campaigns that were updated in the last 3 months. Please note: if the campaign you are searching for wasn't sent in the given dates - you'll get an error)
Request Information
URI Parameters
Additional information
Campaign id .Can be found using the endpoint "Get account's email campaigns..." or in the UI(go to Emails->Emails Lists->click on the campaign's preview -> you'll find the id int the URL).
The start date the campaign was last updated
The end date the campaign was last updated
Get a specific page (number of pages is limited)
Range: inclusive between 1 and 2147483647
Limit the number of items you get in the results. (Removing the "limit" will, by default, display only 20 records)
Range: inclusive between 1 and 100
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
Additional information
Capmaign id
Campaign Name
Last date the campaign was sent
View rate
View opens
View clicks
Click rate
Capmaign id
Click rate from the emails that were opened
Money recieved from conversion pixle you put in the campaign
Rate of emails that were not opened
Bounce rate
Number of removals
Number of spam complaints
Total number of sent emails
Total number of sent emails
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "campaign_id": 1, "campaign_name": "sample string 2", "last_sent_date": "2016-12-24T14:12:12", "view_rate": 1.1, "opens": 1.1, "clicks": 1.1, "click_rate": 1.1, "conversions": 3, "cto": 1.1, "total_conversion_value": 1.1, "not_open": 1.1, "bounced": 1.1, "removals": 1.1, "spam_complaints": 1.1, "total_sent": 1.1, "preview_content": "sample string 4" }
application/xml, text/xml
<ApiEmailCampaignReport xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <bounced>1.1</bounced> <campaign_id>1</campaign_id> <campaign_name>sample string 2</campaign_name> <click_rate>1.1</click_rate> <clicks>1.1</clicks> <conversions>3</conversions> <cto>1.1</cto> <last_sent_date>2016-12-24T14:12:12</last_sent_date> <not_open>1.1</not_open> <opens>1.1</opens> <preview_content>sample string 4</preview_content> <removals>1.1</removals> <spam_complaints>1.1</spam_complaints> <total_conversion_value>1.1</total_conversion_value> <total_sent>1.1</total_sent> <view_rate>1.1</view_rate> </ApiEmailCampaignReport>